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Customize your very own Strike Apparel Crewneck. Choose from our existing, original designs (as seen in the shop), and pick your own tie-dye color(s). Start designing your today!


Crewneck will feature "Strike Apparel" on the right sleeve and your chosen design on the back.


NOTE: Each crewneck is individually dyed. The pictures show an idea of how it may look, but it not an exact replication. Each crewneck will be unique and different.


AVAILABLE TIE DYE COLORS: red, orange, yellow, pink, purples, blues, green, gray, black

Custom Crewneck

SKU: StrikeCustomCrew
    • Fabric: Heavyweight: 80/20 cotton/polyester blend

    • Fabric: Lightweight: 55/45 cotton/polyester fabric

    • Machine wash

    • Hand dyed and printed in San Diego, California

    • Ships within 3-7 business days

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